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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> F >> Fauna: Multiple Galleries >> Grizzly Bears in their Native Wild Habitat. > Close with a 300mm Lens
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17-JUL-2007 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Close with a 300mm Lens

Lake Clark, Alaska

Yesterday, I watched "Grizzly Man" and "Diary of Grizzly Man" repeatedly on Animal Planet.

Although I well understand first hand the adrenaline rush of being around wild Grizzlies in Nature, I still do not understand what actually drove Timothy Treadwell. Maybe no one ever will fully. He obviously pushed the envelop too far & ultimately paid the price.

Nevertheless, as the pilot in the film said, "being near wild bears in their own environment can become addicting". The experience gets into your blood & makes you wish for the next time that you can once again be with the bears.

Fortunately, most of us do not take the risks that Timothy Treadwell did. The only times that I personally have been ultra close to Griz in the wild has been by happenstance. Unlike Mr Treadwell, I have never set out in Grizzly territory with a wide angle lens hoping to get a close up head shot. I never will either. I value my life.

Although this photograph was taken out in wild Nature away from crowds and viewing platforms, etc, I was using my 300mm lens. Even then, I considered it to be quite close for a Portrait shot of a Grizzly Bear.

I originally saw the film "Grizzly Man" for the first time in the theater in 2005. That was just after I had gotten home from Alaska following my shooting the first photos for my Grizzly Bear
gallery Despite having since gained more first hand experience - and additional knowledge - concerning Grizzly Bears in the wild, I continue to be amazed at the life Mr Treadwell led.

Although few of his still photographs are regularly viewed today, many of them were simply amazing. Was it worth his life? NO!!! However, I believe that the essence of a wild Grizzly Bear can also be captured without becoming a Timothy Treadwell. Usually, I don't ramble on like this, but watching the movie over and over yesterday has started me thinking about what I do myself.


Any and/or all usage or copying of this image, without express written permission from the photographer, is prohibited by law. Copyright 2007, Elizabeth Bickel. All Rights Reserved.

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Donald Verger28-Jan-2008 11:10
way scary! and cool! vote! hi Liz! have a good day, don
Debbie Blackburn Beierle23-Jan-2008 06:00
Nice composition and detail!
January Grey23-Jan-2008 03:36
Wow! Liz, even Timothy Treadwell would be proud of this shot! Outstanding light & details! Great timing too! V~
marie-jose wolff22-Jan-2008 22:28
impressive capture!
wonderful composition and details! V
Guest 22-Jan-2008 20:06
I agree with your story line, don't forget he also put his girlfriend in the same situation. I'll never forget the screams on the tape of their final moments. A good reminder for novice want to be bear photographers. Glad you have better sence and bring home terrific images..alive..v
Guest 22-Jan-2008 18:01
Wonderful shot, Liz! Excellent DOF and setting. I think I would be using a 600mm + 2x converter! :)
Kathy Pedersen22-Jan-2008 17:27
A little too close for my comfort, but an amazing capture of this bear. Fantastic!!
Zaid Kurdi22-Jan-2008 16:55
Excellent capture Liz,Wonderful composition and colors......V.
Guest 22-Jan-2008 16:52
Very nice image, but a bit too close for me...
Guest 22-Jan-2008 15:35
You are amazing!! v
Jonathan Popp22-Jan-2008 14:07
Liz, my wife was watching the show and I ended up with the nightmares.
be safe dear girl! Love the shot, excellent use of dof.
Vince22-Jan-2008 12:57
This is close enough Liz. Thanks for sharing these wonderful images. Vote.
Guy Dube22-Jan-2008 12:18
A very impressive picture Liz, V
Sam_C22-Jan-2008 08:21
Excellent shot!! I saw that documentary a while back. I would never want to get
that close, but I kinda admired his bizarre 'affection' for these bears. V
Gerard Koehl22-Jan-2008 08:16
Wow... fantastique. Je suis impressionné par cette photo prise au 300mm.
Bryan Murahashi22-Jan-2008 04:42
Excellent capture of this powerful Grizzly. V
Hank Vander Velde22-Jan-2008 03:35
WOW! Liz. Terrific shot - you are most brave. V.
dane22-Jan-2008 03:27
so much raw energy and power ... impressive capture, Liz.
Bill Paige22-Jan-2008 03:18
Great shot
Carol Rollins22-Jan-2008 03:03
Wow, Liz, this does look close. What a wonderful shot!! V
Sue Weisensel22-Jan-2008 02:53
Liz, seems like you were pretty close to this one. Are you ever afraid?