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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> P >> Panasonic DMC-FZ35 > Autumn Bluebird 2011
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24-OCT-2011 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Autumn Bluebird 2011

other sizes: small medium original auto
globalgadabout05-Nov-2011 20:28
bird and branch well caught in muted light...looks like a sparkling day beyond though..V
LynnH05-Nov-2011 14:40
This is such a beautiful bird and a lovely colorful photograph. V
Sam_C05-Nov-2011 07:45
Gorgeous shot of this little guy in such a relaxing position! V++ :)
lamaki05-Nov-2011 07:10
Really pretty!
Bryan Murahashi05-Nov-2011 04:33
Beautiful blues and bg yellows in this capture. V
Hank Vander Velde04-Nov-2011 23:59
Nice shot Liz.
Walter Otto Koenig04-Nov-2011 18:36
A lovely catch, so nice with that colorful bokeh.
Stephanie04-Nov-2011 11:58
Beautiful work Liz! BV
Patricia Kay04-Nov-2011 11:33
Fabulous composition Liz...Love the gorgeous colored DOF...BV
Michal Leszczynski04-Nov-2011 10:30
Beautiful capture, great photo. V.
NealyBob04-Nov-2011 09:11
Amazing colors in this beautiful Autumn scene~!
Guest 04-Nov-2011 06:02
Great! V.
dane04-Nov-2011 03:13
Jean D04-Nov-2011 02:54
Excellent capture of this beauty.
Jeff Real04-Nov-2011 02:13
The colors here are amazing ~V~
an nguyen04-Nov-2011 02:06
Delicious dof .