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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> Canon >> Pro DSLR Bodies >> Canon EOS-1D Mark III > Ice
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12-DEC-2008 copyright Elizabeth Bickel


over blue water

This image is under COPYRIGHT and is protected by US and international copyright laws. The image is NOT for unauthorized reprint, posting on other Web sites, copying in any way, nor any other kind of use without written permission from the artist. Unuthorized use of this image will automatically entitle the copyright artist to financial compensation as determined fair by the artist Elizabeth Bickel. For information concerning use or purchase, contact the artist privately.
Copyright 2008 Elizabeth Bickel. All rights Reserved.

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Yves Marquis13-Feb-2009 13:49
great shot
Marcia Colelli12-Feb-2009 03:38
Very nice capture and detail V
Guest 03-Feb-2009 10:25
Sparkling, blue and beautiful ... and such a contrast to the fierce heat we are having just now!
nomadicdragon03-Feb-2009 01:00
Beautiful capture. Light and Ice are always and amazing combination.
Patricia Kay01-Feb-2009 11:10
Beautiful shot Liz...lots of movement with lovely colors and sparkles on the ice! BV
Tom Torbert26-Jan-2009 04:12
Beautiful capture.. Very abstract and very interesting.. V
Carol Rollins25-Jan-2009 17:09
Beautifully seen, captured and presented Liz! A+
Guest 25-Jan-2009 14:44
Excellent capture. vote
Char25-Jan-2009 14:18
This is an excellent composition Liz! \/
Fong Lam25-Jan-2009 13:51
Excellent capture and well composed, Liz!! V
waterfalls man25-Jan-2009 13:29
Very Nice Shot V
Ceya25-Jan-2009 07:54
Fantastic image! V
lou_rozensteins25-Jan-2009 07:25
Very nice! Such a cold picture, and here I am sweat rolling off me, at 30 degree C, and I would say humidity in the high sixties. Such a difference!!
Guest 25-Jan-2009 04:25
Great image, Liz. Well done.
Bryan Murahashi25-Jan-2009 04:12
Very nicely captured.