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Brian Klimowski | profile | all galleries >> Those Other Special Galleries... >> Nutcracker Suite in Modern Bare Feet tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Nutcracker Suite in Modern Bare Feet

I hope you enjoy these photographs (all 553!) taken during the Nutcracker performances at the Clifford E. White Auditorium, December 6th - 11th!
In these galleries I've uploaded reduced-size proofs of the images (full-sized images, without the "proof" are on the Nutcracker Memory CD).

If you would like the Nutcracker Memory CD which contains all of the original photographs found here, please email me at (or call me at 526-7961) and I will have a CD delivered for you at the Canyon Dance Academy within a couple days. Please bring a check for $15, made out to "Inspirational Light Photography", when you pick up your CD. (again, the printed photos, and those on the CD will not have the word 'Proof' on them :))

If you would like to order individual 4"x6" performance photographs ($2 a piece), write down the photo #'s (found under each photograph), and email your order to me at You may pay for the prints ordered (make checks out to "Inspirational Light Photography") when you pick the photographs up at the studio in a couple days.

To make searching through the photographs easier, I've divided them up into the various Nutcracker dances. Click on the images below to see the photographs for that dance.
Snow Queen and Snowflakes
:: Snow Queen and Snowflakes ::
Angels, and Sugar Plum Fairy
:: Angels, and Sugar Plum Fairy ::
Ethnic Dances
:: Ethnic Dances ::
Mother Ginger and the Ginger Snaps
:: Mother Ginger and the Ginger Snaps ::
Dewdrop and Flowers
:: Dewdrop and Flowers ::
Pas De Deux
:: Pas De Deux ::
:: Finale ::