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Brian McAllister | all galleries >> Galleries >> Above My Head >
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(Please view Original size)

The freighter is longer than a football field....
And is dwarfed by the clouds above....

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte21-Jun-2010 19:51
Nice work!...

Graeme20-Jun-2010 23:40
Fabulous composition Brian.BV
Curt Knaus20-Jun-2010 21:30
Beautiful image!! I love the composition. V.
Zoltán Balogh20-Jun-2010 09:05
How beautifully seen and composed Brian...big vote!
coaster20-Jun-2010 04:39
Magnificent scene and sky!
January Grey20-Jun-2010 02:32
Awesome sky! Gorgeous clouds against that beautiful blue!! Lovely capture, Brian! V~
Marcia Colelli20-Jun-2010 01:54
Very lovely capture V
Jean D20-Jun-2010 00:16
Excellent capture of those enormous clouds headed in my direction. Well composed, Brian! ~V
shatterbug19-Jun-2010 22:13
Great sky, and terrific decision to make it such an important part of your composition!
bill friedlander19-Jun-2010 18:25
Beautiful light on the puffy clouds. Great composition, nice how you placed the horizon low in the frame. V
Jean Chiasson19-Jun-2010 18:08
Great capture and very well colors light brian vote
Guest 19-Jun-2010 16:15
Beautiful light and excellent capture, v
Walter Otto Koenig19-Jun-2010 15:32
Wonderful cloudscape. Beautiful light and colors. "V"
Vince19-Jun-2010 15:20
Fantastic image. Excellent show of scale and a very lovely sky. Vote.
jlm19-Jun-2010 14:57
Great sky !
Jim Coffman19-Jun-2010 13:54
Brian, this is stunning! BV
pkocinski19-Jun-2010 13:36
Nicely done!
Steve Morris19-Jun-2010 12:06
The big sky!! Brilliant Brian!BV
Ali Majdfar19-Jun-2010 07:40
Fabulous sky! ~V
Jaime González19-Jun-2010 06:40
You're right, the freighter seems small compared with this huge cloud formation. Beautiful image. -V-
René Gysi19-Jun-2010 06:25
Great sky with beautiful cloud formations. V
Bryan Murahashi19-Jun-2010 05:08
Beautiful big clouds capture.