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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | all galleries >> Galleries >> Striking in Red > Sorry:no strike today...
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25-JUN-2010 ©

Sorry:no strike today...

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BAS Photography25-Sep-2014 07:35
Perfect catch! ~V~
Graeme13-Sep-2010 08:46
Great candid Paolo.BV
Leslie Cohelan04-Jul-2010 17:06
good candid....looks like she is ready to pull a camera out?
Guest 03-Jul-2010 21:51
Plena de cor e beleza.
marie29-Jun-2010 10:11
gorgeous shot
Martin Lamoon26-Jun-2010 19:39
Superb candid portrait V++
Guest 26-Jun-2010 10:46
Bella mora...
Guest 26-Jun-2010 05:47
Nice shot!
Guest 25-Jun-2010 19:04
You are the "Master of Street photography" Paolo!! Fantastic capture ! V
bill friedlander25-Jun-2010 18:48
Lovely impromptu pose by the lovely lady. V
Guest 25-Jun-2010 18:46
Wonderful pose, nicely composed. v
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