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Birds of a feather

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5a 5b crop 3a
3b crop 4a 4b crop
2a 2b crop 1a hummingbird
1b crop Male Goose, check the teeth Flying ducks
Sitting Pretty, fat and sassy. One foot Goose Foot
Sleeping Beauty cooling off Princess and her court
Silly Goose Gotta love the balance Pampas Grass
Coot Female Goose _MG_5042.jpg
_MG_5056.jpg _MG_5163.jpg _MG_5101.jpg
_MG_5098.jpg _MG_5063.jpg Swan goose/ male and female
Swan goose 3 Swan Goose 2 Swan goose 1
Goose and ducks at Kymulga Hound Dog Flock of Canada Geese
A little help from my friend Canada Geese Splash Landing
Perfect form Woody Now, where was that belly button?
White ducks Going home.

Going home.

Just Ducky
Birthday party. Family meal. Gone for a swim
_DSC0052-Edit-2.jpg Sparrow Cardinal male 2
Cardinal, male 1 Female Cardinal Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
sony 300 mm and 2x's extender- Dove Male Cardinal Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal tree Cardinal looking for food Mocking bird
Eastern Blue Bird Morning Dove Young Robin
Canada Goose China Brown Goose White Goose
Eastern Bluebird 2 Eastern Bluebird 1 Carolyna Chickadee, sleeping
Mourning Dove Northern shovler in flight Red bellied Woodpecker
picoides pubesens up to 6 inches long cousin to the Hairy woodpecker who is larger and has a longer beak

picoides pubesens up to 6 inches long cousin to the Hairy woodpecker who is larger and has a longer beak

Carolina Chickadee Female Finch
Moscove Mating Dance Moscove Muscovies are the only domestic ducks that are not derived from Mallard stock. They are a South American species. The original (wild type) coloration is black and white, but domestication has produced many more colors, including white, black, chocolate, and blue. The males are large, weighing up to twelve pounds, with the smaller females reaching only seven (I have heard of one Australian strain bred for market, in which a dressed male reached nearly 20 lb and took two people to restrain). Their feet have strong sharp claws and are built to grasp, so that they can perch on branches. Some people consider them ugly because of the large red warty caruncles above the beak and around the eyes. They are, however, very personable and interesting birds, and quite intelligent. Unlike most domestic waterfowl, Muscovies will often fly up and roost. They fly fairly well, especially the smaller females, but are known more for flying around than flying away!

Muscovies are the only domestic ducks that are not derived from Mallard stock. They are a South American species. The original (wild type) coloration is black and white, but domestication has produced many more colors, including white, black, chocolate, and blue. The males are large, weighing up to twelve pounds, with the smaller females reaching only seven (I have heard of one Australian strain bred for market, in which a dressed male reached nearly 20 lb and took two people to restrain). Their feet have strong sharp claws and are built to grasp, so that they can perch on branches. Some people consider them ugly because of the large red warty caruncles above the beak and around the eyes. They are, however, very personable and interesting birds, and quite intelligent. Unlike most domestic waterfowl, Muscovies will often fly up and roost. They fly fairly well, especially the smaller females, but are known more for flying around than flying away!

Moscove male mating dance If looks could kill. :) Male Moscove
Male and female Moscove mating Female mating dance Male spreading his wings
Mating Mating 2 Ducks flying over water
Female Muscove spring is here Male Muscove


Female Cardinal Cedar Waxwing 1
Mockingbird Cedar Waxwing 2 Cedar Waxwing 3
Red Breasted Robin House Fnch Wood Duck
Dancing Mallard Filibuster Let's Talk
The faster I go the behinder I get!

The faster I go the behinder I get!

Dove Talking Woody
Wood Duck Sea Gulls Duck swimming in Algae
Snow Geese Coot ring necked dove
Mallard white Duck Ring neck Dove
Goose I'm half there, mallard Follow the leader, male  and female mallard
The whole gang Floating along, Northern Shovler Mallard and Wood Duck.
Coots Friends Talk, moscoves Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse in tree Eastern Bluebird Eastern Bluebird 2
Wait for me!, female goose I'm here! Geese A little talk, Snow Goose, male and female
Shake that thing, snow goose Mates forever, snow geese Follow Me, Snow geese
Lazy Day, white duck,  male and female northern Shovler Look out, Male and female northern Shovler Duck Nap, Muscove
Mallard Goose and Gander, snow geese Count your ducks
Wood Duck and female Mallard Meeting of minds Mallards
Mallard wood Duck Northern Shovler
Canada Geese Canada Goose white duck.
wood duck. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sleeping
Female Red throat Hummingbird male ruby Redthroat hummingbird Female Rubythroat
looking at you Proud female Male House finch
Female House finch Male Blue Jay Female House Finch
Male Cardinal Mockingbird ruby throat
Chipping sparrow Chipping sparrow Resting hummingbird, rubythroat
Resting hummingbird, rubythroat Resting hummingbird, rubythroat Resting hummingbird, rubythroat
Resting hummingbird, rubythroat Resting hummingbird, rubythroat Hummingbird at flowers
Female Rubythroat Cardinal Chipping Sparrow and Mockingbird
mockingbird Cardinal in a bush Mocking bird in bush
Mocking bird Ruby Throat  female Dark Eyed Junco
Cardinal with seed Dark eyed Junco dark eyed junco
dark eyed junco Male Cardinal Male Cowbird
Board meeting, male and female cowbirds House Finch Blue Jay
Cardinal, female Cowbird Red Wing
Redwing House Finch Cardinal Female
Cardinal female Cowbird, female Cowbird , female
House Finch, Male Female in flight Cooper's Hawk
Flamingo Male Ruby Throat Male Ruby Throat
Ruby Throat  Male Ruby Throat Female Rubythroat  female
Rubythroat female ruby throat female female
female female female
Woodpecker  Carolina Chickadee looking for food Carolina Chickadee hanging on
Carolina Chickadee Male House finch Male House finch
Female baby Finch Female baby finch Male House finch
finch Female Cardinal Male house finch
Male Cardinal Cardinal female