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Michel Bordeleau | all galleries >> oiseaux >> Oiseaux du Québec et d'ailleurs >> Viréo à tête bleu - Blue headed vireo > Viréo à tête bleue - Blue headed vireo
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Viréo à tête bleue - Blue headed vireo

Montréal, Jardin botanique

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Tom Grey28-May-2006 15:30
Really a nice one -- I know how hard it is to get any vireo in the open, near eye-level -- great pose here! And thanks for your comment on mine...
Yi Feng14-May-2006 03:06
Very nice shot!
Guest 13-May-2006 16:50
superbe ! quelle finesse !
Guest 13-May-2006 15:34
quelles belles couleurs douces Michel - bonne exposition et composition
Herb 13-May-2006 13:02
Nice shot
Tim Vidrine13-May-2006 11:20
Beautiful shot
Guest 13-May-2006 10:45
Great photo of a beautiful bird.