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Harel Boren | all galleries >> Galleries >> International Acknowledgements - APODs and Publications > NGC 6820 (SH2-86) / NGC 6823 (Cr 405) (Emission Nebula & Open Cluster) in Vulpecula.
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June 27, 2009 Harel Boren

NGC 6820 (SH2-86) / NGC 6823 (Cr 405) (Emission Nebula & Open Cluster) in Vulpecula.

Arod Wadi, Negev Desert, Israel

Canon XSi, modded, Total (HaR)GB 84 min. = RGB 17x2 min., Ha 10x5 min., ISO 1600
Baader MPCC, Baader 7nm Ha Filter
LXD75-SN10 OTA, EQ6 mount, guided w/PHD and EQMOD

NGC 6820 is an emission nebula that surrounds open cluster NGC 6823 in Vulpecula (near M27, the Dumbbell Nebula) and lays approx. 6000 light years from Earth.

Another personal record for me, are the 5 min. exposures taken in Ha for this image. Given the wind in the desert at the time, together with the SN-10" large dimensions - this was a task in its own right..

Taken from

The most striking feature is the trunk-like pillar or dust and gas protruding from the east side of the nebula towards the open cluster, NGC 6823 in the west. The center of the open cluster is about two million years old and is predominantly represented by many young, bright blue stars. Outer parts of the cluster intimately involving pillars of emission nebula NGC 6820, contain even younger stars. The huge pillars of gas and dust are probably formed when surrounding gas and dust is pushed and eroded away by radiation from nearby stars. Remarkable dark globules of gas and dust are also visible in the nebula, much as is seen in the better known Eagle Nebula in Serpens or the Lagoon Nebula in Sagittarius.

Open star cluster NGC 6823 is about 50 light years across and lies about 6000 light years away.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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