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Sean | profile | all galleries >> Abseiling >> Boars Head tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Boars Head

Visited the same day we did Malaita walls, Boars Head has five abseils with several inside a giant cleft formed by part of the cliffline coming away. With all the wind howling, it was a great trip... just a bit cold!
Megalong Valley view
Megalong Valley view
kitting up
kitting up
rigging the safety line through the cleft
rigging the safety line through the cleft
waiting to traverse
waiting to traverse
through the cleft...
through the cleft...
...and straight down
...and straight down
peter, being belayed by paul
peter, being belayed by paul
Todd, second abseil
Todd, second abseil
The cleft- abseil #3
The cleft- abseil #3
Briefly out of the wind
Briefly out of the wind
Top of the final abseil
Top of the final abseil
Todd, looking cold
Todd, looking cold
Devils hole (exit track)
Devils hole (exit track)
Evening light
Evening light