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Bob Hsiang Photography - Samples

The images contained here were taken at various places in the Bay Area.
Some photographs were self assigned and others were from corporate, small business and non profit assignments.
Bob Hsiang has been an independent photographer covering a wide range of economic and
social layers that comprise the Bay Area's diverse communities.
He has worked with Mayor Gavin Newsom, former Governor Gray Davis,
Representative Barbara Lee, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Dean of Haas School of Business, Tom Campbell.
call: 415.225.4281 for booking
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Sept. Photo of the Month_web.jpg Composite Examples Composite Examples Composite examples Composite examples
People in Business April_Photo.jpg Marketing/PR Materials BROCHURE COVERS/INSERTS Professional Publicity/Performing Arts/Product displays
Professional Head shot for Attorney Professional Publicity/Performing Arts/Product displays Resume / Website Public Relations Executive Portrait Studio Portraiture - Custom Lighting and Consultation
Marketing and Publicity Performing Artists Pubicity Emerging Artists - San Francisco Youth Orchestra Professional Publicity/Performing Arts Marketing Publicity and Literature
Professional Promotional portraits Entertainment publicity Professional Publicity B+W Editorial Annual Report - Merritt Capital Community Corporation
Political Rallies/Conventions Special Events - Celebrations Performing Artists Publicity Entertainment publicity Magazine interview sequential stills
Magazine cover Fashion Photography San Francisco Gymnastics - Promotion and Marketing Interpretive Studio Photography Annual Report - Jewish Home
Annual Report - Jewish Home Medical Center PR and Marketing Health and Medical Care Marketing/PR Website Illustration Photography Gennifer Hirano
Film Production/Larry Clark, director Hi resolution digital capture/Bob Hsiang Photography Hi resolution digital capture/Bob Hsiang Photography Cover Photography San Francisco Museum of Art Marketing
Images for Marketing, Brochures and Press Releases Neon Flashdancer at SFMOMA Special Events - Parties - Celebrations Travel Photography Samples from Bob Hsiang Photography
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