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Bob Floyd | all galleries >> One Day @ A Time - A Photo a Day Project >> One Day @ A Time 2006 >> April 2006 > 4/25 - It's 5 O'clock Somewhere
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4/25 - It's 5 O'clock Somewhere

Home, Kitchen

Maybe not Mr Buffet's idea of 5 o'clock but it works for me.
And yes Adrian, it is indeed a full pint. *grin*

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Lee Rudd27-Apr-2006 17:30
1759 to be exact... :) cheers!!!
Di27-Apr-2006 03:00
Happy hour, indeed! Pour me one, please. Nice crop, Bob.
Guest 26-Apr-2006 20:26
You are going to wear out that new lense! Good picture... HAPPY HOUR!
Guest 26-Apr-2006 20:22
Where does a bar close at 10? They close about 2 AM around here. Nice shot by the way Bob.
J. Scott Coile26-Apr-2006 14:26
Well it's 9:13 AM here and I'm wondering if that counts ;)
s_barbour26-Apr-2006 12:57
I think that this image goes with yours very nicely Bob...
Guest 26-Apr-2006 12:40
Brilliant section, roll on 5 o clock:-)
beverley harrison26-Apr-2006 07:05
and chilled to perfection i hope?!
Guest 26-Apr-2006 07:01
I don't understand the 5 O'Clock thing... do people start drinking at 5 in the US?
No wonder the bars are all shut at 10 (which has always confused the hell out of me when I visit!)
Superb composition Bob. Very bold and sharp. By the way, according to the can, it's 17:59!
Bob B.26-Apr-2006 05:05
Ahh! Nice image. Classic subject. Hope you enjoyed that to which all other brews aspire to.
angelique raptakis26-Apr-2006 05:01
wonderful composition. now i'm thirsty ;)
Gary Winters26-Apr-2006 03:07
Yep. I'll have one right now! Good shot.
Guest 26-Apr-2006 02:12
very well done, Bob
I like the composition and the contents
De'Carr Studio26-Apr-2006 02:02
I thought it was my turn to buy..I'll get the next round.
Dan Chusid26-Apr-2006 01:59
Another round for my Pbase friends!