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Bobby Wong Jr. | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Charities tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

My Charities

I've been involved with the Payatas community since 2001, mainly to raise funds for charity projects focused on children. Thanks to the generosity of quite a number of "good samaritans", we've been able to save more children than we initially set out to help.

But the job isn't done. Poor living conditions virtually guarantee that some children will get very sick, some will need mandatory vaccinations they can't afford, and the malnourished ones will need immediate intervention. The albums below document our efforts to-date.

The Vincentian Missionaries are working to help the children.
Click here to learn more about their projects.

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Site Meter
A Cry for Help
A Cry for Help
The Payatas Dump Site
The Payatas Dump Site
Medical Rescue Program
Medical Rescue Program
Hepatitis-B Vaccination Program
Hepatitis-B Vaccination Program
Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
Malnourished children feeding program
Malnourished children feeding program
Vincentian Missionaries
Vincentian Missionaries