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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> North America & Caribbean >> Guatemala >> Museo Nacional Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Museo Nacional Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala

Museo Nacional Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala
Museo Nacional Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala
Most tourists avoid Guatemala City like the plaque, but the National Archaeological Museum is highly worthwhile
Most tourists avoid Guatemala City like the plaque, but the National Archaeological Museum is highly worthwhile
National Archaeological and Ethnological Museum, Guatemala City
National Archaeological and Ethnological Museum, Guatemala City
Statue outside the National Archaeological Museum
Statue outside the National Archaeological Museum
Mayan deity in front of the National Archaeological Museum
Mayan deity in front of the National Archaeological Museum
National Archaeological Museum, Guatemala City
National Archaeological Museum, Guatemala City
MUNAE, Guatemala City
MUNAE, Guatemala City
Mayan Warrior in front of the National Archaeological Museum
Mayan Warrior in front of the National Archaeological Museum
Stela in front of the National Archaeological Museum, Guatemala City
Stela in front of the National Archaeological Museum, Guatemala City
Detail of a stela in front of the MUNAE
Detail of a stela in front of the MUNAE
Detail of another stela in front of the MUNAE
Detail of another stela in front of the MUNAE
Mural in lobby of the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Guatemala City
Mural in lobby of the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Guatemala City
Polychromatic tripod vase, Lowlands - Early Classic Period, 250-600 AD
Polychromatic tripod vase, Lowlands - Early Classic Period, 250-600 AD
Quiché lid, Late Classic Period, 600-925 AD
Quiché lid, Late Classic Period, 600-925 AD
Quiché Urn, Late Classic Period, 600-925 AD
Quiché Urn, Late Classic Period, 600-925 AD
Mask of Uaxactun, from 40 km north of Tikal
Mask of Uaxactun, from 40 km north of Tikal
Altar Base No. 4, Kaminaljuyu, Terminal Preclassic 200 BC-200 AD
Altar Base No. 4, Kaminaljuyu, Terminal Preclassic 200 BC-200 AD
Altar Base No. 5, Kaminaljuyu, Terminal Preclassic 200 BC-200 AD
Altar Base No. 5, Kaminaljuyu, Terminal Preclassic 200 BC-200 AD
Sculpture with a form of a fungus, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 250 BC-250 AD
Sculpture with a form of a fungus, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 250 BC-250 AD
Anthropomorphic Figurine, Villa Nueva (Highlands), Late Preclassic 250 BC-250 AD
Anthropomorphic Figurine, Villa Nueva (Highlands), Late Preclassic 250 BC-250 AD
Detail of Monument 65 from Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 200 BC-200 AD
Detail of Monument 65 from Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 200 BC-200 AD
Courtyard of the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Guatemala City
Courtyard of the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Guatemala City
Stele 13, Piedras Negras, 771 AD
Stele 13, Piedras Negras, 771 AD
Stela 6, Piedras Negras, 687 AD
Stela 6, Piedras Negras, 687 AD
Stela 40, Piedras Negras, 766 AD
Stela 40, Piedras Negras, 766 AD
Reverse, Stela 40, Piedras Negras, 766 AD
Reverse, Stela 40, Piedras Negras, 766 AD
Stela 3 of Ceibal (Petén), Late Classic Period, 810 AD
Stela 3 of Ceibal (Petén), Late Classic Period, 810 AD
Stela 24, Naranjo, 699 AD
Stela 24, Naranjo, 699 AD
Stele 4, Ucanal (Petén), Late Classic Period, 849 AD
Stele 4, Ucanal (Petén), Late Classic Period, 849 AD
Stela 1, Ixlu, 859 AD
Stela 1, Ixlu, 859 AD
Stela 2, Naranjo, 716 AD
Stela 2, Naranjo, 716 AD
Detail of Stela 3, Tamarindito (Petén), Late Classic Period, 600-900 AD
Detail of Stela 3, Tamarindito (Petén), Late Classic Period, 600-900 AD
Hieroglyphics on Stela 4, Ixtutz, 780 AD
Hieroglyphics on Stela 4, Ixtutz, 780 AD
Anthropomorphic Sculpture, El Obrero, Classic Period 250-900 AD
Anthropomorphic Sculpture, El Obrero, Classic Period 250-900 AD
Altar Support, Piedras Negras (Petén), Late Classic, 790 AD
Altar Support, Piedras Negras (Petén), Late Classic, 790 AD
Stela 12, Piedras Negras, 795 AD
Stela 12, Piedras Negras, 795 AD
Detail of Stela 12 from Piedras Negras, 795 AD
Detail of Stela 12 from Piedras Negras, 795 AD
Stele 15, Piedras Negras, 785 AD
Stele 15, Piedras Negras, 785 AD
Zoomorphic Tenon, South Coast, Lake Preclassic Period 250 BC-250 AD
Zoomorphic Tenon, South Coast, Lake Preclassic Period 250 BC-250 AD
Hongo Zoomorfo, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 400 BC-100 AD
Hongo Zoomorfo, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 400 BC-100 AD
Hongo Antropomorfo, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period 400 BC-100 AD
Hongo Antropomorfo, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period 400 BC-100 AD
Rectangular tray with monkey-shaped handle, Kaminaljuyu, Preclassic Period, 2000 BC-250 AD
Rectangular tray with monkey-shaped handle, Kaminaljuyu, Preclassic Period, 2000 BC-250 AD
Kaminaljuyu - major Mayan archaeological site in the area of what is now Guatemala City
Kaminaljuyu - major Mayan archaeological site in the area of what is now Guatemala City
Marker from a Ball Court, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period 300 BC-250 AD
Marker from a Ball Court, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period 300 BC-250 AD
Incense burner with three heads, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 250 BC-250 AD
Incense burner with three heads, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 250 BC-250 AD
Anthropomorphic Incense Burner, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 250 BC-250 AD
Anthropomorphic Incense Burner, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 250 BC-250 AD
Anthropomorphic Incense Burner, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 250 BC-250 AD
Anthropomorphic Incense Burner, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period, 250 BC-250 AD
Zoomorphic Sculptured, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period 200 BC-200 AD
Zoomorphic Sculptured, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic Period 200 BC-200 AD
Stela 11, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic, 200 BC-200 AD
Stela 11, Kaminaljuyu, Late Preclassic, 200 BC-200 AD
Detail of Stela 11 from Kaminaljuyu
Detail of Stela 11 from Kaminaljuyu
Anthropomorphic Sculpture, Kaminaljuyu, Preclassic Period 2000 BC-250 AD
Anthropomorphic Sculpture, Kaminaljuyu, Preclassic Period 2000 BC-250 AD
Anthropomorphic Pedestal Sculpture, Malacatán, South Coast, Middle Preclassic Period, 800 BC-300 AD
Anthropomorphic Pedestal Sculpture, Malacatán, South Coast, Middle Preclassic Period, 800 BC-300 AD
Diorama of Mayan village life, National Archaeological Museum
Diorama of Mayan village life, National Archaeological Museum
Diorama of a Mayan market, National Archaeological Museum
Diorama of a Mayan market, National Archaeological Museum
Diorama of a Mayan steam bath (Temascal)
Diorama of a Mayan steam bath (Temascal)
Diorama of a Mayan temple ceremony
Diorama of a Mayan temple ceremony
Model of the Mayan city of Tikal at its peak
Model of the Mayan city of Tikal at its peak
Model of central Tikal
Model of central Tikal
Model of central Tikal - Gran Plaza
Model of central Tikal - Gran Plaza
Model of Tikal - Southern Acropolis and Templo V
Model of Tikal - Southern Acropolis and Templo V
Model of Tikal - Templo III
Model of Tikal - Templo III
Model of the City of Tikal, Museo Nacional Arqueología
Model of the City of Tikal, Museo Nacional Arqueología
Model of the City of Tikal, Museo Nacional Arqueología
Model of the City of Tikal, Museo Nacional Arqueología
Model of Tikal - Gran Plaza
Model of Tikal - Gran Plaza
Model of Tikal - Southern Acropolis
Model of Tikal - Southern Acropolis
Model of Tikal - Plaza of the 7 Temples & Lost World
Model of Tikal - Plaza of the 7 Temples & Lost World
Model of Tikal seen from the northwest
Model of Tikal seen from the northwest
Model of Tikal
Model of Tikal
Polychromatic tripod vase, Tikal, Classical Period, 250-600 AD
Polychromatic tripod vase, Tikal, Classical Period, 250-600 AD
Diorama of Mayan Rituals - the Ruler being carried
Diorama of Mayan Rituals - the Ruler being carried
Diorama of Mayan Rituals - sacrifice
Diorama of Mayan Rituals - sacrifice
Hun Nal Ye - La Caja de Piedra, the stone box
Hun Nal Ye - La Caja de Piedra, the stone box
Anthropomorphical Tapadera - South Coast, Early Classical 250 BC-600 AD
Anthropomorphical "Tapadera" - South Coast, Early Classical 250 BC-600 AD
Anthropomorphical incense burner of the Teotihuacan Style, South Coast, Early Classic Period 250 BC-600 AD
Anthropomorphical incense burner of the Teotihuacan Style, South Coast, Early Classic Period 250 BC-600 AD
Anthropomorphical incense burner of the Teotihuacan Style, South Coast, Early Classic Period 250 BC-600 AD
Anthropomorphical incense burner of the Teotihuacan Style, South Coast, Early Classic Period 250 BC-600 AD
Anthropomorphical incense burner of the Teotihuacan Style, Kaminaljuyu, Early Classic Period 250 BC-600 AD
Anthropomorphical incense burner of the Teotihuacan Style, Kaminaljuyu, Early Classic Period 250 BC-600 AD
Burial cave, Rio Azul
Burial cave, Rio Azul
stuccoed anthropomorphic vessel with lid, Kaminaljuyu, Early Classical Period 250 BC-600 AD
stuccoed anthropomorphic vessel with lid, Kaminaljuyu, Early Classical Period 250 BC-600 AD
Cuenco with lid, Uaxactun, Petén, Early Classical 250 BC-550 AD
"Cuenco" with lid, Uaxactun, Petén, Early Classical 250 BC-550 AD
Stamps, Molds and Miniatures, Classical Period, 250-900 AD
Stamps, Molds and Miniatures, Classical Period, 250-900 AD
Drum, Late Classical Period, 550-925 AD
Drum, Late Classical Period, 550-925 AD
Monkey-shaped flute, Kaminaljuyu, Early Classic Period, 250-600 AD
Monkey-shaped flute, Kaminaljuyu, Early Classic Period, 250-600 AD
Polychromatic vessel, Lowlands, Late Classic Period 600-925 AD
Polychromatic vessel, Lowlands, Late Classic Period 600-925 AD
Altar, South Coast, Lake Classic 600-900 AD
Altar, South Coast, Lake Classic 600-900 AD
Stela Fragment, Palo Gordo (South Coast), Late Classic Period 600-900 AD
Stela Fragment, Palo Gordo (South Coast), Late Classic Period 600-900 AD
Diorama of the transportation of a Mayan stela
Diorama of the transportation of a Mayan stela
Diorama of the carving and erection of a Mayan stela
Diorama of the carving and erection of a Mayan stela
Diorama of the carving  of a Mayan stela
Diorama of the carving of a Mayan stela
Diorama of the erection of a Mayan stela
Diorama of the erection of a Mayan stela
Commemorative Marker, Tikal, Classic Period 250-900 AD
Commemorative Marker, Tikal, Classic Period 250-900 AD
Wooden lintel No. 1, El Zotz (Petén), Late Classic Period 650-750 AD
Wooden lintel No. 1, El Zotz (Petén), Late Classic Period 650-750 AD
Lintel 3 from Temple IV, Tikal
Lintel 3 from Temple IV, Tikal
Copy of the Codex Tro-Cortesiano, part of the larger Madrid Codex
Copy of the Codex Tro-Cortesiano, part of the larger Madrid Codex
Códice Trocortesiano
Códice Trocortesiano
Only three pre-Columbian Mayan books survived the Spanish conquest
Only three pre-Columbian Mayan books survived the Spanish conquest
The Codex Tro-Cortesianus consists of 56 printed sheets
The Codex Tro-Cortesianus consists of 56 printed sheets
A page of the Codex Tro-Cortesianus
A page of the Codex Tro-Cortesianus
The Codex consists of almanacs and horoscopes used by Mayan priests
The Codex consists of almanacs and horoscopes used by Mayan priests
It is believed that the Codex Tro-Cortesianus was written in the Yucatan 1250-1450 AD
It is believed that the Codex Tro-Cortesianus was written in the Yucatan 1250-1450 AD
The Codex is thought to have been brought back to Spain by Hernan Cortes, but it was lost until the 1860's
The Codex is thought to have been brought back to Spain by Hernan Cortes, but it was lost until the 1860's
The original of the Codex Tro-Cortesianus is preserved at the Museo de América in Madrid
The original of the Codex Tro-Cortesianus is preserved at the Museo de América in Madrid
Page of the Mayan Codex Tro-Cortesianus copy of the Museo Nacional Arqueologia y Etnologia
Page of the Mayan Codex Tro-Cortesianus copy of the Museo Nacional Arqueologia y Etnologia
Lintel 3 from Piedras Negras, 8th C. AD
Lintel 3 from Piedras Negras, 8th C. AD
Anthropomorphic Tenon, South Coast
Anthropomorphic Tenon, South Coast
GuatemalaJan12 2275.jpg
GuatemalaJan12 2275.jpg
Stela 36, Piedras Negras (Petén), Early Classic Period, 445 AD
Stela 36, Piedras Negras (Petén), Early Classic Period, 445 AD
Detail of Stela 36, Piedras Negras, 445 AD
Detail of Stela 36, Piedras Negras, 445 AD
Altar of Puerto Barrios, Izabal, Late Classic Period 746 AD
Altar of Puerto Barrios, Izabal, Late Classic Period 746 AD
Throne 1 of Piedras Negras, Late Classic Period, 785 AD
Throne 1 of Piedras Negras, Late Classic Period, 785 AD
Detail of the back of the Piedras Negras Throne
Detail of the back of the Piedras Negras Throne
Stela 11, Dos Pilas (Petén), Late Classic Period (600-900 AD)
Stela 11, Dos Pilas (Petén), Late Classic Period (600-900 AD)
National Archaeological Museum of Guatemala City
National Archaeological Museum of Guatemala City
Stela 7, Machaquila (Petén), Late Classic Period 830 AD
Stela 7, Machaquila (Petén), Late Classic Period 830 AD
Polychrome vessel, Topoxte, Late Classic Period 800-925 AD
Polychrome vessel, Topoxte, Late Classic Period 800-925 AD
Incense Burner, El Quiché, Postclassic Period, 925-1524
Incense Burner, El Quiché, Postclassic Period, 925-1524
Incense Burner, La Lagunita, Postclassic Period, 925-1524
Incense Burner, La Lagunita, Postclassic Period, 925-1524
Incense Burner with Effigy, Cauinal, Postclassic Period 925-1524
Incense Burner with Effigy, Cauinal, Postclassic Period 925-1524
Lead decanter, Highlands, Postclassic Period 925-1524
Lead decanter, Highlands, Postclassic Period 925-1524
Double vessel with effigies, San Andrés Sajcabaja, Postclassic Period 925-1524
Double vessel with effigies, San Andrés Sajcabaja, Postclassic Period 925-1524
Polychromatic vessel with handles, Chimaltenango, Postclassic Period 925-1524
Polychromatic vessel with handles, Chimaltenango, Postclassic Period 925-1524
Model of the archaeological site of Zaculeu, Guatemala
Model of the archaeological site of Zaculeu, Guatemala
Model of the archaeological site of Zaculeu, Guatemala
Model of the archaeological site of Zaculeu, Guatemala
Ethnographic section of the museum - village diorama
Ethnographic section of the museum - village diorama
Ethnographic section of the museum - village diorama
Ethnographic section of the museum - village diorama
Man's outfit for daily use, San Pedro La Laguna
Man's outfit for daily use, San Pedro La Laguna
Men and women's suits, Santa Catarina Palopó (Sololá)
Men and women's suits, Santa Catarina Palopó (Sololá)
Men and women's suits, San Pedro La Laguna
Men and women's suits, San Pedro La Laguna
Representation of a dwelling at Lake Atitlan
Representation of a dwelling at Lake Atitlan
The Cult of Maximon
The Cult of Maximon
The Cult of Maximon
The Cult of Maximon
The Cult of Maximon
The Cult of Maximon
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Danza del Venado - Dance of the Deer
Mural - National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Guatemala City
Mural - National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Guatemala City
Daily use woman's dress - San Pedro Sacatepéquez
Daily use woman's dress - San Pedro Sacatepéquez
Mask from the Dance of the Devils, Cobán, Alta Verapaz
Mask from the Dance of the Devils, Cobán, Alta Verapaz
Máscara - Danza de diablos, San Cristobal, Totonicapán
Máscara - Danza de diablos, San Cristobal, Totonicapán
Traditional Clothing - Huipil, San Mateo Ixtatán
Traditional Clothing - Huipil, San Mateo Ixtatán
Traditional Clothing - Huipil, San Mateo Ixtatán
Traditional Clothing - Huipil, San Mateo Ixtatán
Woman's dress for daily use (K'iche') - Totonicapán
Woman's dress for daily use (K'iche') - Totonicapán