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Trifels Castle

Trifels Imperial Castle (German: Reichsburg Trifels) is a medieval castle at an elevation of 500 m (1,600 ft) near the small town of Annweiler, in the Palatinate region of southwestern Germany. It is located high above the Queich valley within the Palatinate Forest on one peak of a red sandstone mountain split into three.[1] Trifels Castle is on the peak of the Sonnenberg, the name Trifels means threefold rock. Trifels Castle is also famous as the site where King Richard I of England (Richard the Lionheart) was imprisoned after he was captured by Duke Leopold V of Austria near Vienna in December 1192 on his return from the Third Crusade. The present-day castle is in large parts not true to the medieæval original. It is characterized by a large well tower outside the ring wall, linked to the castle by a bridge. The surrounding rocky landscape is a popular venue for mountaineers.
Sport climber
Sport climber
Trifels Castle
Trifels Castle
Trifels Castle
Trifels Castle
Trifels Castle
Trifels Castle
Trifels Castle
Trifels Castle
Castle chapel
Castle chapel
Lion sculpture
Lion sculpture
Annweiler and Palatinate Forest
Annweiler and Palatinate Forest