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Brian Bowden | profile | all galleries >> Glass ORBits - Contemporary Art Glass Marbles and Other Art Glass For Sale! >> Yoshinori Kondo Marbles and Pendants For Sale >> "Native Visions" Size: 2.27" x 1.23" (marble) Price: SOLD tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Native Visions" Size: 2.27" x 1.23" (marble) Price: SOLD

This is one of the first two collabs that Yoshi has ever created with Kousuke Oyama, aka Kinoko Heads. That in itself is awesome enough, but on top of that, it actually features a Yoshi MARBLE that is leather wrapped by Kousuke! AND, the marble actually moves inside the leather, so you can turn it around and see all the sides of it! It is tight so it doesn't just spin around, but is the perfect tightness for viewing. And WOW, that leather wrapping will blow your mind! Soooo many tiny pieces of leather were stacked together to create that amazing pattern you see on the sides there. It is an intense many-day process, pulled off by the one man in the world who is doing this sort of thing with leather. Look closely at that design and just imagine how many tiny pieces of leather that is and what it took to pull this off. The carving and sanding is an incredible process as well. The end result is gorgeous beyond measure, and to say I'm simply struggling with letting this piece go would definitely be an understatement of epic proportions. And that's just because of the leather - I haven't even talked about that amazing Yoshi marble yet, ha ha!! The dotstacking in this beauty is INTENSE for such a small package and it features 3 beautiful opals stacked inside. The design of the marble and the pattern Kousuke came up with for the leather match incredible well, and I love how it all reminds me of those classic Native American blanket designs. This pendant is one of the most legendary pieces that has evern been created, a true masterpiece from these two masters, and a highlight for any collection in the world! This piece is signed by Yoshi via his signature YK opal inside the marble.

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