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going wider

my escapades with a 10-22mm, hopefully i'll get better!!
ruined church somewhere across the fields
seashells on the seashore sweet dreams
southwold bridge walberswick and the dreaded sea mist
tall trees sunrise
steppin in vrooom
one blue spade 4 blue buckets
hold tight junior!! crocs go paddling
heavenly lavender riverside
stripe sand sculptures
sand sculptures sand sculptures
sand sculptures sand sculptures
sand sculptures sand sculptor
sand sculptures sand sculptures
sand sculptures the clam
house in the clouds all white lighthouse
under angelica stop the world......i wanna stay here....right here....
tides out.......way out there!! happy smiley people
why did caz cross the road? bluebell woods
rapeseed. little red riding hood
crumpets anyone? bin can alley
am i off my trolley? but only ring if you're dead ok?
me n my dad reflecting in his bike Weybread Church Window
big scarecrows the balloon lady
industial area turbine