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Woven Images


Woven images are made up of two or more photos layered on one another
joyous day
joyous day
cafe Bizarro
cafe Bizarro
woman at the blue door
woman at the blue door
faithfully waiting
faithfully waiting
party Palomino
party Palomino
where evil lurks
where evil lurks
vision quest
vision quest
the door to dreams
the door to dreams
floating flowers
floating flowers
flower collage
flower collage
autumn treasures
autumn treasures
Chinese garlic
Chinese garlic
summer memories
summer memories
oh so chic
oh so chic
holiday cheer
holiday cheer
subway ghosts
subway ghosts
on the birdwalk
on the birdwalk
blustery day
blustery day
June bug fiesta
June bug fiesta
ghost of a good horse
ghost of a good horse
heart leaping
heart leaping
summer afternoon
summer afternoon
blue lagoon
blue lagoon
in the garden
in the garden
a robust harvest
a robust harvest
grape harvest
grape harvest
rooted in the spiritual life
rooted in the spiritual life
collage 2
collage 2
glasses and marbles
glasses and marbles
Oregon colors
Oregon colors
the wizards daughter
the wizards daughter
the funny farm
the funny farm
tis not the season
tis not the season
the hand that feeds the world
the hand that feeds the world
the apple ballroom
the apple ballroom