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Bernard Bosmans | all galleries >> Galleries >> seabreezes > Testing the water
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Testing the water

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Maciej Chachulski03-May-2013 10:56
Nice composition. I like the gesture of the lady with umbrella.
Nestor Derkach09-Dec-2011 16:16
Great point of view and perfect in simplicity and very beautiful.
Yves Rubin05-Oct-2009 09:32
I agree with everyone here, this is a beautiful image, with a wonderful captured moment. V
Lamar Nix22-Apr-2009 14:40
Charming image - girl with umbrella makes a great subject. V
Sabine Stetson12-Mar-2009 20:41
totally splendid composition!!!!
Marisa Livet22-Dec-2008 21:35
I adore this one, so full of charming movement, the gesture of the girl and the wave arriving to her feet...Really perfect!
Thierry Lucas11-Dec-2008 21:33
Very nice capture. V
Carol How29-Nov-2008 03:29
Beautiful image! V
Guest 27-Mar-2008 09:38
Stunning. Love the color, composition. zm
Isabel Cutler24-Feb-2008 03:56
Charming - lovely color!
monica memoli24-Jan-2008 11:06
Just perfect! v
Hodero22-Dec-2007 15:37
Deze is wel een poster waard!!
Robyco09-Nov-2007 13:14
Great candid, excellent with that umbrella (V)
Guest 14-Sep-2007 14:55
nice moment and painting style :-)
veraferia12-Sep-2007 01:08
Lovely shot!V
Rob Legeland10-Sep-2007 18:54
Great pose! Wonderful shot!
gilanuriel02-Aug-2007 12:27
Very nice colors. Love it.
Fabienne01-Aug-2007 22:06
Une très jolie photo qui est composée avec beaucoup de bon goût, c'est superbe.
Soenda08-Jul-2007 06:43
For me it's the parasol that makes the shot. Also to love are the shadow, frozen surf and that demure posture. Such beautiful tropical blues.
Bob White26-Jun-2007 10:34
Excellent Shot --- I still find it hard to get used to unberella's in the sunhine !! V
Guest 11-May-2007 09:30
Great composition with a aura of the 20's
Petros Labrakos07-May-2007 05:02
real lovely shot
with nice colours
anuschka24-Apr-2007 10:42
Elegant, wonderful image! V.
wernere0118-Apr-2007 08:13
A perfect composition. Looks a bit like she´s at the seaside for the first time.
Guest 24-Jan-2007 10:04
i like this...very unique.
Guest 21-Jan-2007 11:28
Very sharp and great colour and contrast! Very good composition, well done!
Yiannis Pavlis20-Jan-2007 14:50
Splendid shot and capture.
nice composition.
best regards.
Beyer15-Jan-2007 09:42
Harmonious,well composed!Gives a good feeling. V
1moremile09-Jan-2007 00:59
I really like this. A very pretty photo.
Rosemarie Kusserow04-Dec-2006 22:06
Beautiful shot Bernard, I like the colors and the fine composition, it is a pity that we have winter now, lol, best regards, Rosemarie from Germany :o)v
Robyco17-Nov-2006 08:03
I saw this one en thought "umbrella at sea"??
It is for the sun, we in the Netherlands use them for the rain.
It gives a very nice picture, composition. Great shot.
Donald Verger03-Nov-2006 12:09
great! love this one!

vote! i have an umbrella shot that surprised me by being very high clicked... how do you think i might find the women to give her the shot? i have been wondering...

... let me know what you think if you get a sec.. :)
martyn george (Hedonic3000)21-Oct-2006 09:45
Great shot
Yeying 14-Aug-2006 01:57
Nice pose Irene, my beautiful niece.... Where are the shells? Nicely taken Kuya Ben it looks like your in Paradise Island in Samal...
Guest 31-Jul-2006 10:16
Great composition..leads to another surreal event
Agnes T. Ackerl29-Jul-2006 12:15
very beautiful shot! Great composition!
Guest 14-Jul-2006 14:54
very nice compo; sand, sea sky, umbrella woman and shadow, this is working well.
Thank you for your kind visit.
Mostafa Moftah29-Apr-2006 14:33
This is beautiful..
Guest 07-Apr-2006 04:23
Very nice, colors and composition are great!