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Daniel Beams | profile | all galleries >> People and Places around Bolivia >> Trinidad, Beni, Bolivia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Trinidad, Beni, Bolivia

A few images of a recent trip to Trinidad. Most of them are at night because I was out working in the day and we cruised the plaza looking for dinner each evening. Trinidad is not an exciting or flashy town. The food is only so-so, and the streets are dirty. It is hot and muggy most of the time. What makes the biggest impression on a visitor are the incredible number of motorbikes on the streets. They out-number cars at least 10-to-1. Everyone from little kids to little old ladies are on motorcycles zipping all over town at all hours of the day and night. It is hard to even find a taxi and I never even saw a micro to hop on. that is why most of my pics are of speeding motorcycles at night. I would like to spend some more time on the streets of Trinidad taking photos. There are always old doors, faded facades, and interesting characters to be found in the crevices.
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