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Sucre, Bolivia

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To learn more about our work in South America visit _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A few images from Sucre. We took a family vacation here in January 2008. I stopped through again for a couple of days in May 2008 with Nathaniel when we were on our way to Potosi and the Salar de Uyuni.
Iglesia San Francisco in Sucre Sucre from La Recoleta Market Seller in Sucre Market
Sucre from La Recoleta Flower Seller in Sucre Market Sucre from La Recoleta
Sucre Market Sucre Beggar Sucre Streets
Blind Beggar in Sucre On the Streets in Sucre Sucre Beggar
Sucre Bound La Recoleta Mascot Sucre Child
Sucre Street Corner Sucre Street On Sucre Streets
Sucre Market On Sucre Streets Sucre Candy Seller
Sucre Seller Sucre Hacienda - On the road between Sucre and Potosi Sucre Construction
Iglesia San Felipe Neri in Sucre Sucre Church Sucre Church
La Recoleta Monastery Child in Sucre Sucre Church
Sucre Architecture Sucre Streets La Recoleta Monastery
Sucre Courtyard Banco Nacional de Bolivia in Sucre Sucre Stroll
Cathedral Bells in Sucre Cine Libertad in Sucre Sucre Street
Sucre Church Sucre Church Sucre Church
Sucre Street Sucre Porch La Recoleta View in Sucre
Sucre Street Sucre Street Sucre Cityscape
Sucre Theater Iglesia Santa Monica in Sucre Sucre Church
Iron Gate in Sucre Sucre Street Sunday Morning Mass in Sucre
Iglesia San Felipe in Sucre g4/28/527328/3/91832420.S0eVrYhU.jpg Castillo de la Glorieta, Sucre
Castillo de la Glorieta, Sucre Castillo de la Glorieta, Sucre Castillo de la Glorieta, Sucre
La Recoleta Monastery in Sucre La Recoleta Monastery in Sucre Sucre Flowers
Plaza Hotel Pool in Sucre Iglesia La Recoleta Iglesia La Recoleta
Taking a Break in Sucre Sucre Vista Iglesia La Recoleta
Sucre Steets Cathredral Tower in Sucre Sucre Pharmacy
Sucre Morning Sucre Street Sucre Taxi
Sucre Morning Sucre Morning Sucre Door
Sucre Church Sucre Plaza Sucre Church
Sucre Plaza Iglesia San Francisco in Sucre Sucre Market
Iglesia San Francisco in Sucre Sucre Vista Sucre Vista
La Recoleta Monestary in Sucre La Recoleta Monestary in Sucre La Recoleta Monestary in Sucre
La Recoleta Monestary in Sucre La Recoleta Monestary in Sucre On the Plaza in Sucre
Sucre Doorway Sucre Resident Sucre Vista
Rural Church in Sucre Sucre Vista Sucre Vista
Sucre Vista