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1 Photo a Day

Joining what looks more and more like a visual diary. / En route pour ce qui ressemble de plus en plus à un journal de bord visuel...
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061119 Cover Leaf
061119 Cover Leaf
061119 Osta
061119 Osta
061120 First Sprinkling.
061120 First Sprinkling.
061121 Vu du Parking.
061121 Vu du Parking.
061122 On the Eve of the Parade. Gonflé !
061122 On the Eve of the Parade. Gonflé !
061123 Pancakes à la Great Neck.
061123 Pancakes à la Great Neck.
061124 The City (6th av. at 43rd street).
061124 The City (6th av. at 43rd street).
061125 4 generations
061125 4 generations
061126 Matthieu au violon
061126 Matthieu au violon
061127 lapin...agile !
061127 lapin...agile !
061128 Erie Canal
061128 Erie Canal
061129 CrabApples
061129 CrabApples
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