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John | all galleries >> Galleries >> C o n v u l s i o n s > Cover
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Jeff Real22-Dec-2018 14:40
What a super composition!
This powerful mood will stay with me!
bill friedlander27-Sep-2017 17:40
Lovely light and strong diagonal for a super image. V
Wim Ensie27-Sep-2017 14:36
You are back in town John! The beautiful clouds come rolling of the dike
Hank Vander Velde27-Sep-2017 12:35
Beautiful well composed scene under a nice cloud-filled sky. Works great in B&W.
slhoornstra27-Sep-2017 03:30
Aaah, wonderful. Exquisite clouds and touches of light in the grass. You are better than ever. V
janescottcumming27-Sep-2017 02:26
A lovely composition that works so nicely in black and white. V
Neil Marcus26-Sep-2017 22:52
Nothing humdrum about you composition. I marvel at the detail and highlights in the stubble and i the cloud. Well placed. well thought out."VV"