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BAS Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD - Picture a Day 2006 > First of September
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First of September

Have a nice weekend! I will be off till Monday, see you then!

other sizes: small medium original auto
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik06-Sep-2006 03:12
Lovely flower! GMV Sandy
laine8204-Sep-2006 22:52
Outsatnding capture & comp. ~v
nordic04-Sep-2006 16:49
excellent shot
Sheila02-Sep-2006 00:17
Gary Blanchette01-Sep-2006 18:49
Nice image to start the month off with...
Hans Meerbeek01-Sep-2006 17:28
Beautiful detail!
arminb01-Sep-2006 17:28
agreed, splendid dof, and great colors! :)
Nicki Thurgar01-Sep-2006 17:19
Beautiful... great DOF