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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Babies and Kids >> Circle of life (Monika,Amelia&Me) >> Amelia Anna Kotulska:) >
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Nikon D80
1/40s f/3.5 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Sandi Whitteker28-Nov-2012 02:29
So sweet shot.
rocky09-May-2011 14:05
What a precious image, Bartosz! =V=
Tom Munson07-May-2011 23:47
This is wondeful image! Great work, Bartosz!
Robert D. McAlpine13-Nov-2010 22:45
regi olbrechts13-Nov-2010 16:28
This is truly a brilliant, highly original composition.
Big big vote.
Patricia Kay10-Nov-2010 15:58
Fabulous image Bartosz...BV
Chris Spracklen10-Nov-2010 13:32
A wonderfully creative composition, my friend!
Excellent work at every level. (V)
Marcia Colelli10-Nov-2010 03:34
Beautiful V
Jim Coffman10-Nov-2010 00:26
Great work,Bartosz! V
Martha Albuquerque10-Nov-2010 00:21
Superb!! <3
Robyco09-Nov-2010 21:31
Outstanding !! (BV)
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak09-Nov-2010 20:42
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad09-Nov-2010 20:33
Perfect! V
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