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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Connemara and Connemara National Park > Killary Fjord
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Killary Fjord

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Peter Stubley27-Mar-2012 12:28
Beautiful composition -- nicely seen.
Guest 25-Mar-2012 21:00
Lovely! Great mood and use of selective color. =)
Dek Grant09-May-2011 19:53
Fantastic, delightful use of colours and composition.
Paul Chan08-Mar-2011 11:42
Well composed with special feelings....V.
Ken Zaret04-Nov-2010 23:42
Well done! Interesting composition, draws you in.
Yiannis Pavlis15-Sep-2009 14:41
It is a photograph with impressive atmosphere …
globalgadabout22-Jul-2009 14:22
sublime, tranquil scene..V
Carol Rollins22-Jul-2009 12:43
Beautifully seen and composed Bartosz. The little touches of color are just right. ~
Guest 22-Jul-2009 07:23
Simply awesome detail. Fantastic compo Bartek, Vote
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak22-Jul-2009 06:47
... sielsko, anielsko... ~V~
Patrick Allender22-Jul-2009 04:17
Wow! I agree with Marcia. I like the stillness of the water. I also like the balance and the layers in the background.
Marcia Colelli22-Jul-2009 01:47
beautiful capture V
Jim Coffman22-Jul-2009 00:22
Superb work,Bartosz!V
Marcia Rules22-Jul-2009 00:16
love the stillness and feeling of openness. gorgeous shot ~V
Paul L-R21-Jul-2009 21:44
Superb composition and tonal range. BV
zyziza21-Jul-2009 21:17
excellent compo, great mood ! V
Silvia Roitman21-Jul-2009 20:18
very nice!
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