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Barry R. Byrd | profile | all galleries >> Fauna >> Birds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bugs | Birds | Mammals | Reptiles & Amphibs


tufted titmouse white wing late snow ice storm cardinal
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roadrunner portrait green perch waiting for salmon his domain
stealing salmon salmon hunt outstretched DSC_0378.jpg
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snoot full SDIM1677.jpg long toenails SDIM1098.jpg
SDIM1050.jpg SDIM0231.jpg File0046.jpg take off
road runner portrait DSC_3425.jpg DSC_3340_2.jpg blue on watch
DSC_1301.jpg DSC_1072.jpg DSC_2291.jpg red tail hunt
Painted Bunting 7 Painted Bunting 5 Painted Bunting 1 Painted Bunting 2
Painted Bunting 3 Painted Bunting 4 baby Jay storm song
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IMG_2804.JPG loggerhead heron perch hawk and snack
white crowned sparrow runner at sunset hawk on point snow geese 3
snow geese 1 turkey dawn my domain bobwhite
scissor tail sundown pause roadrunner dusting off
regal owl sunset. windy perch muddy feet
blue @ dusk his territory blue and wire avocet
dickcissel burrowing owl 2 burrowing owl scissor tail mockingbird
r.i.p. meadowlark calling barn owl squint precarious perch
cardinal profile white wing dove silhouette stare
scissor tail mockingbird bobwhite hen 2 mates 2 mates
posed blue morning blue sidelit 2 flamingo eye glow
sidelit nap hawk on mesquite covey road runner face
road runner 3 roadrunner road runner 2 quail & sunflower
quail & grasshopper quail at daybreak pedicure candidates blue on brush pile
watching the storm oriole curious blue quail scissor tail mockingbird
hawk at sunset 2 quail pair straightBlue.jpg brush and blue quail
bobwhite quail 2 bobwhite hen bobwhite quail blue quail 2
bobwhite cock orange head u15/barryb/medium/42661176.signHawk1.jpg dove on nest
waxwing pair plum & waxwing 3 plum & waxwing 2 plum & waxwing 1
yaupon feeding 3 yaupon feeding yaupon feeding 2 waxwing 6
waxwing 4 vigilant waxwing 5 waxwing 3
waxwing 1 flock finch nest pelican glide
egret 2 waiting waiting my turn