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L Barnes | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture that has caught my eye. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Architecture that has caught my eye.

J house
J house
G house
G house
Red brick
Red brick
Stone house 1
Stone house 1
around town 7 9 09 1.
around town 7 9 09 1.
around town 7 9 09 2.
around town 7 9 09 2.
around town 7 9 09 3.
around town 7 9 09 3.
around town 7 9 09 4.
around town 7 9 09 4.
around town 7 9 09 5.
around town 7 9 09 5.
J n Ts house Easter 2010.
J n Ts house Easter 2010.
J n Ts house Easter 2010 2.
J n Ts house Easter 2010 2.
J n Ts house Easter 2010 3.
J n Ts house Easter 2010 3.
J n Ts house Easter 2010 4.
J n Ts house Easter 2010 4.
Field of dreams Easter.
Field of dreams Easter.
Phillips Home Bartlesville OK.
Phillips Home Bartlesville OK.
Brown Mansion Coffeyville KS
Brown Mansion Coffeyville KS
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville KS
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville KS
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brown Mansion, Coffeyville
Brandenburg Stadium Pittsburg State.
Brandenburg Stadium Pittsburg State.
Sig Tau house.
Sig Tau house.
The 77 steps.
The 77 steps.
SC Fieldhouse.
SC Fieldhouse.
SC Mound.
SC Mound.
Alexander Majors home.
Alexander Majors home.
Water out the back door Alexander Majors home KC 1856.
Water out the back door Alexander Majors home KC 1856.
Columns SC 1
Columns SC 1
Columns SC 2
Columns SC 2
Floral Church
Floral Church
Fallen Arch
Fallen Arch