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Bruce Klink | profile | all galleries >> Busch Gardens, Tampa, FL March 2005 photo safari tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Busch Gardens, Tampa, FL March 2005 photo safari

Perfect day for this - 70's sunny & breezy - Timing was good too as the lions & hyena were just being fed, and the tiger yawn was just perfect...
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Tiger yawn.jpg
Tiger yawn.jpg
Merkeet 2.jpg
Merkeet 2.jpg
Tiger 1.jpg
Tiger 1.jpg
Hyena 2.jpg
Hyena 2.jpg
Lion 1.jpg
Lion 1.jpg
Lioness 3.jpg
Lioness 3.jpg
Lioness 2.jpg
Lioness 2.jpg
African swans.jpg
African swans.jpg
Giraffe 2.jpg
Giraffe 2.jpg
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