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Through the moss curtain

When Dawn Comes
When Dawn Comes
Song for morning rays
Song for morning rays
A SOFT bright day
A "SOFT" bright day
Last warmth of the day
Last warmth of the day
Internal light
Internal light
The wake of Montery Sqare
The wake of Montery Sqare
Between Bright And Dark
Between Bright And Dark
Behind the moss curtain
Behind the moss curtain
The Haunted Moss Curtain
The Haunted Moss Curtain
Dawn Light (Mickve Israel Church)
Dawn Light (Mickve Israel Church)
Catherdral of Saint John the Baptist
Catherdral of Saint John the Baptist
Sunset At Church ( Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension)
Sunset At Church ( Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension)
u11/bachfan/medium/38073629.IMG_7721.jpg Colonial Style
Colonial Style
Greek Revival Style
Greek Revival Style
Sightview on the fly
Sightview on the fly
Mercer's House
Mercer's House
Tomas Owen's House
Tomas Owen's House
Savannah River
Savannah River
A River of Two
A River of Two
Old stone street
Old stone street
Daiquiris on Bay St.
Daiquiris on Bay St.
A fine dull morning
A fine dull morning
At Huey (Waterfront)
At Huey (Waterfront)
Flower for the battle
Flower for the battle
Market Square Merchant
Market Square Merchant
Roar out of the rock
Roar out of the rock
Brooding at sidewalk
Brooding at sidewalk
Looking Bright
Looking Bright
Palm pride
Palm pride
Walking at River St
Walking at River St
Iron Works
Iron Works
Savanna Impression
Savanna Impression
Spanish Moss
Spanish Moss