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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Potpourri tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


A combination of incongruous elements ... definitely a potpourri, this gallery.
These are photos I liked but haven't placed into other galleries yet, most taken with
the Canon Elph s410, recently joined by the more adroit but not-purseable Rebel XT.

( For full Screen: If using a PC, press/toggle F11. If using a Mac, press/toggle apple/ctrl-F11 )
Berkeley Pier - 12/17/11
gallery: Berkeley Pier - 12/17/11
Lunar Eclipse 2011 pictures from warm apt's dual-paned windows
gallery: Lunar Eclipse 2011 pictures from warm apt's dual-paned windows
Stairs - Berkeley Hills
Stairs - Berkeley Hills
Combing planet earth for life
Combing planet earth for life
Sinking sun, from my window
Sinking sun, from my window
Early morning from same window
Early morning from same window
Same morning, same window
Same morning, same window
From Pt. Molate, the San Rafael Bridge
From Pt. Molate, the San Rafael Bridge
Tala's Red Egg and Ginger Party
Tala's Red Egg and Ginger Party
Enjoying Lucca's main square
Enjoying Lucca's main square
Videoclip of Felix Manye Rodriguez, of Volterra, is below.
Videoclip of Felix Manye Rodriguez, of Volterra, is below.
Felix Manye Rodriguez, musician inVolterra, Italy - Videoclip below
Felix Manye Rodriguez, musician inVolterra, Italy - Videoclip below
Tree at Der Wienerschnitzel
Tree at Der Wienerschnitzel
Surviving into January
Surviving into January
January red
January red
Canal in Lucca, Italy
Canal in Lucca, Italy
I liked the golden rims  (not visible in thumbnail)
I liked the golden rims (not visible in thumbnail)
Outside the window, closer up
Outside the window, closer up
Window onto bay from LHS party
Window onto bay from LHS party
From same window
From same window
Zoomed. Bridge on both sides of Treasure Island
Zoomed. Bridge on both sides of Treasure Island
At LHS parking lot
At LHS parking lot
Post at Der Wienerschnitzel used earlier
Post at Der Wienerschnitzel used earlier
Aura. Taken from Der Wienerschnitzel
Aura. Taken from Der Wienerschnitzel
Early Christmas stocking, '06 in Berkeley
Early Christmas stocking, '06 in Berkeley
Xmas in Berkeley
Xmas in Berkeley
Protected gems - Xmas Fair, Berkeley, after nightfall
Protected gems - Xmas Fair, Berkeley, after nightfall
Curb reflection in Berkeley
Curb reflection in Berkeley
Chase in his habitat
Chase in his habitat
9/20/06 - about 4:30pm
9/20/06 - about 4:30pm
10/15/06 - 5:33 pm  Click on 'Original' below for larger one
10/15/06 - 5:33 pm Click on 'Original' below for larger one
10/15/06  5:45pm gorgeous late light
10/15/06 5:45pm gorgeous late light
10/15/06 - 6:10  Click on 'Original' for larger one
10/15/06 - 6:10 Click on 'Original' for larger one
10/15/06   6:11 pm
10/15/06 6:11 pm
10/15/06  6:15pm
10/15/06 6:15pm
10/29/06  6:07 pm
10/29/06 6:07 pm
From home window on 10/22/06
From home window on 10/22/06
From work window
From work window
More sky drama, from a window near Albany
More sky drama, from a window near Albany
Helicopter at center (from living rm window)
Helicopter at center (from living rm window)
From living rm chair, but in 2009. Now all I see is a big fat tree hiding it
From living rm chair, but in 2009. Now all I see is a big fat tree hiding it
City at left, Golden Gate right - click for better look
City at left, Golden Gate right - click for better look
Right side of previous pic at 90%, compressed
Right side of previous pic at 90%, compressed
Wider angle - San Francisco and Golden Gate
Wider angle - San Francisco and Golden Gate
Interesting sky streak from sun rays and clouds
Interesting sky streak from sun rays and clouds
From another work window
From another work window
From Berkeley hills toward west
From Berkeley hills toward west
Closer up
Closer up
Berkeley's lights come on.
Berkeley's lights come on.
Golden Gate at top left
Golden Gate at top left
Closer.  From work window still.
Closer. From work window still.
Double day lily  (identifed by Dorian)
Double day lily (identifed by Dorian)
Testing zoom and purple fringing when looking up
Testing zoom and purple fringing when looking up
Testing point & shoot macro feature, what did I see?
Testing point & shoot macro feature, what did I see?
A very active spider  (ISO 200 due to wind& mvmt, so is grainy.)
A very active spider (ISO 200 due to wind
& mvmt, so is grainy.)
The spider at 100%.   ISO 200 for wind movement.
The spider at 100%. ISO 200 for wind movement.
Sunset from eastbay window, 9/25/05
Sunset from eastbay window, 9/25/05
Helicopter helps make it look like a fire scene. Mt. Tamalpais.
Helicopter helps make it look like a fire scene. Mt. Tamalpais.
Sundown at wider angle
Sundown at wider angle
I liked the pastel blue of the water (thru' work window)
I liked the pastel blue of the water (thru' work window)
Same area in different light
Same area in different light
Lawrence Hall of Science's whale behind fountain
Lawrence Hall of Science's whale behind fountain
Closer up
Closer up
Wide angle from work window Sept. 8, 2005
Wide angle from work window Sept. 8, 2005
Early moon over bay
Early moon over bay
Two minutes later
Two minutes later
Silhouettes dramatic near sunset (sun low behind clouds)
Silhouettes dramatic near sunset
(sun low behind clouds)
End of sun after work was beautiful
End of sun after work was beautiful
At Moeser Lane same night  - El Cerrito
At Moeser Lane same night - El Cerrito
A boy was killed 2 nights later at this spot.
A boy was killed 2 nights later at this spot.
Sundown behind Home Depot thru' window
Sundown behind Home Depot thru' window
Closeup with nicely lit signs below
Closeup with nicely lit signs below
Home Depot at sundown, fuller shot
Home Depot at sundown, fuller shot
Robin at work.  My s410 was on ISO 200.
Robin at work. My s410 was on ISO 200.
Margaret and Robin, with Elph s400, 3/2005
Margaret and Robin, with Elph s400, 3/2005
Using zoom lens of new little s410
Using zoom lens of new little s410
Zooming in on Golden Gate Bridge
Zooming in on Golden Gate Bridge
For Volterra folder later
For Volterra folder later
 Bro' and I
Bro' and I
A 1992-Grammy photo for our SF Symphony Chorus' Carmina Burana
A 1992-Grammy photo for our SF Symphony Chorus' Carmina Burana