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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Memories of special people >> Singer Judy Frankel - A Celebration of Her Life and Music tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Singer Judy Frankel - A Celebration of Her Life and Music

This is a partial record of a day that was a celebration of singer Judy Frankel's life and her much-valued preservation and presentation of Sephardic songs.   There are many memorial sites for Judy's life and work (including Tricia's beautiful site with links to help us find them), because Judy was a gift in both person and in song.

  As I mentioned in the guestbook for Judy's memory, duplicated and further organized at Ken Frankel's remembrance page for Judy (along with a link to the NY Times guestbook for those who want to add their memories) our friendship, which started in the San Francisco Symphony Chorus, in 1973, was based on song and enriched by her warmth, her intense interest in others, her unique talent and searching intelligence, and her kindness, all elements evident in a favorite song, linked to below (mp3).

Professor Kate Regan of Portland University filmed iFIESTAREMOS!, an excellent documentary! on Judy's harvesting and presentation of sephardic music, learning them from families who passed them down, exploring more in libraries across the world, and then presenting them in sound on several widely-appreciated CDs and in a beautiful book of Sephardic sheet music and lyrics.

  Here is a video interview with Professor Regan (who received a "Carnegie Foundation National Professor of the Year award") about the experience of filming iFiestaremos! with Judy.
  Also see Judy's history from the L.A Times.

  To get an idea of Judy's natural presence and beautiful singing of Sephardic (and any) music, you can HEAR her gorgeous Durme, hermoza donzelle in an mp3 from a lullaby album -- in a downloadable file to save and accompany the images below.

  Her family and friends were keen on making the event as upbeat as Judy had helped us be when she was here with us.  Hear more and see add'l contact information for her music at her former husband Ken Frankel's comprehensive site for Judy.  Friends/fans can hear her early folk-rock also.


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Judy, 1970's - A photo on poster board at her Celebration 6/1/08
Judy, 1970's - A photo on poster board at her Celebration 6/1/08
This beautiful piece is by Lauren Jezierski
This beautiful piece is by Lauren Jezierski
Teacher Judy (e) and Hawaii classroom pics
Teacher Judy (e) and Hawaii classroom pics
Norm and Judy
Norm and Judy
The San Francisco Consort - 1980s
The San Francisco Consort - 1980s
Judy and her dad, Gil
Judy and her dad, Gil
Judy Frankel, Sept 2004
Judy Frankel, Sept 2004
Judy's college chum Nada
Judy's college chum Nada
Pre-memorial, with Judy's  L.A. and Portland friends
Pre-memorial, with Judy's L.A. and Portland friends
College chum Nada and Filmmaker Kate Regan
College chum Nada and Filmmaker Kate Regan
Kate Regan visiting Aquatic Park that weekend
Kate Regan visiting Aquatic Park that weekend
Judy's cousins David and Ellen
Judy's cousins David and Ellen
Judy's cousin-in-law Danielle
Judy's cousin-in-law Danielle
Ken Frankel and Judy's cousin Michael
Ken Frankel and Judy's cousin Michael
Ken and Michael
Ken and Michael
background of previous photo
background of previous photo
Close friends Gail, Barbara, and Anne
Close friends Gail, Barbara, and Anne
Edith and son
Edith and son
Edith and son, #2
Edith and son, #2
Vaiula and Ellen's daughter
Vaiula and Ellen's daughter
Margaret, Robin, Mary Ann
Margaret, Robin, Mary Ann
In front of Judy's flying bird drawing (see  2nd photo)
In front of Judy's flying bird drawing (see 2nd photo)