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Welsh Lifeguards Championship 12-13 July 2008

Pictures taken from a Mumbles SLSC perspective during the welsh Championships at Newport SLSC. Rotten weather on the Saturday, and it got much better by the Sunday. Unfortunately, my batteries had gone by that point
Go for Gold
Go for Gold
Early morning
Early morning
Hey Hey, we're the Monkees
Hey Hey, we're the Monkees
Cold and Windy
Cold and Windy
Warm up
Warm up
Getting Ready
Getting Ready
Dressed for the summer
Dressed for the summer
Flag Race Start
Flag Race Start
Obi Wan Lookalike
Obi Wan Lookalike
Ryan Dive
Ryan Dive
My brother smiles like this too!
My brother smiles like this too!
Dan's Flag
Dan's Flag
Chariots of Fire
Chariots of Fire
Darn Rope!
Darn Rope!
Smile for the Camera
Smile for the Camera
How do you get the kids to bow down to you then Jane?
How do you get the kids to bow down to you then Jane?
Lucky heather Anyone?
Lucky heather Anyone?
Paul- I told you to go the other way!
Paul- I told you to go the other way!
Fun in the Foam
Fun in the Foam
Almost There!
Almost There!
Didn't get me this time!
Didn't get me this time!
Where's She Gone?
Where's She Gone?
Keep on Running!
Keep on Running!
Same Class
Same Class
Dune Diving
Dune Diving
Almost Caught Him.
Almost Caught Him.
Tough Run
Tough Run
Yesss- done it!
Yesss- done it!
Another Gold for Joe
Another Gold for Joe
Ioan's Beaming Smile!
Ioan's Beaming Smile!
Why did I have to wear Pink?????
Why did I have to wear Pink?????
Evidently there IS rest for the Wicked
Evidently there IS rest for the Wicked
They'll never catch me napping behind this screen!!!!!
They'll never catch me napping behind this screen!!!!!
Summer Fun
Summer Fun
Not Such a Cold Nap
Not Such a Cold Nap