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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Animals >> San Diego Zoo 5 >
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The young ones are about ten days old

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/800s f/5.3 at 260.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska31-May-2019 19:11
A very cute scene, excellent photo. V.
Dan Greenberg11-Jul-2016 18:12
Wow! Great catch and capture. ~BV~
Ceya01-Jan-2016 20:55
Sweet family portrait! V
Carl H. Johnson27-Sep-2015 20:37
Great capture!!!~V~
Alexander Kazakov05-Sep-2015 14:24
Nice scene! V
Frank Brault27-Aug-2015 15:29
Delightful! A fine portrait and marvelous moment. V
Carol Rollins27-Aug-2015 15:22
This is wonderful to view.
Graeme25-Aug-2015 21:56
This is such a wonderful moment...V
Julie Oldfield25-Aug-2015 02:23
Very sweet mama!! Great shot. V
Neil Marcus24-Aug-2015 22:28
The patient mother. Nicely taken image.
Jean D24-Aug-2015 21:12
Lovely capture of this motherly scene. ~V
Raymond24-Aug-2015 19:53
Wow, pure love ... superb shot
Karen Stuebing24-Aug-2015 18:46
Such a sweet capture of mother and litter. V.
globalgadabout24-Aug-2015 18:40
heart-warming scene at the dairy bar..
Jim Coffman24-Aug-2015 18:21
What a great image,Walter! Tooooo cute!
Gerard Koehl24-Aug-2015 18:00
Magnifique prise. V
Martin Lamoon24-Aug-2015 17:40
They look huge already !
A fine family picture.
carabias24-Aug-2015 16:34
Tender image. Excellent photography, Walter! v
joseantonio24-Aug-2015 16:31
The miracle of nature.V.
Kim24-Aug-2015 16:20
Amazing details and clarity in this fine capture! V
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