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Emir Shabashvili | profile | all galleries >> miscellaneous >> My Photo Books Publishing projects >> PHOTO+PAPER magazine >> PHOTO+PAPER magazine, issue 1/2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

PHOTO+PAPER magazine, issue 1/2011

Bi-lingual Russian/English street photography magazine.
It is printed at ; pictured is the first issue 1/2011.
The magazine can be ordered at
There is also downloadable digital pdf copy there, free.
PHOTO+PAPER: new street photography magazine PHOTO+PAPER: new street photography magazine PHOTO+PAPER: new street photography magazine
ФОТО+Бумага (eng: Photo+Paper) ФОТО+Бумага (eng: Photo+Paper) ФОТО+Бумага (eng: Photo+Paper)
ФОТО+Бумага (eng: Photo+Paper) PHOTO+PAPER: new street photography magazine PHOTO+PAPER: new street photography magazine
PHOTO+PAPER: new street photography magazine ФОТО+Бумага (eng: Photo+Paper) ФОТО+Бумага (eng: Photo+Paper)
ФОТО+Бумага (eng: Photo+Paper)