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Rilke, reflecting on Cezanne's perserverance in remaining in the innermost center of his art, wrote that without this, the artist would always remain at the periphery of art and be capable only of accidental successes. Thanks to all for sharing a cascade of kind & compassionate acts, in exchange for access to the very few accidental successes contained within my password protected galleries. Your experiences give the photos far more meaning than they deserve. I'd like to post your words, with your consent but without attribution, on my Good Samaritan page here to share in the daily inspiration you provide. For anyone who wants to view these passworded sites, please write to me about any kindness that you have extended, to anyone, at Namaste. Para el password, por favor, dame la historia de un bueno samaritano. Pour le password, s'il vous plait, raconter moi une histoire de bon samaritain Password-wa hoshi desu ka? Good samaritan-no haiku-wa, kudasai. Yesli vyi khotel byi otmichky, pozhalysta posilat' kak vyi daval pomoshch' k kto-nibyd'. A word to those who would download and repost these photos as their own, on sites like Webhosts - DELETE those photos immediately, or face prosecution for copyright violation. You do NOT have my permission to repost any images from this site.