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Al (Alfred) Toth | profile | all galleries >> Yoga Studio Cusco Peru >> yoga_mat_bags tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Hand Made In Peru!!

Thats right, Yoga Mat Bags made in Cusco Peru.

A few years ago I had an idea to make a mat bag where the shoulder strap could be removed and used as a yoga belt. I also remember trying to slide my mat into a bag that opened at one end and seemed too small for the mat. So I said, "What would I look for in a yoga mat bag"? These bags are the result of that quest. The bags are hand made from the beautiful Mantas, fabric, that are typical of Cusco Peru. The strap/belt is of nylon webbing, (couldn't find cotton belt material in Cusco) but you can always replace the strap with your own yoga belt!.
Your purchase helps to support two women and their families who sew the bags.
There is much more to the story, but for now......

Expanded site and info at:
and my Studio website:
Stripped Bags
Stripped Bags
Solid Bands of Color
Solid Bands of Color
Inner pocket
Inner pocket
Zipper and buckle
Zipper and buckle
Purple band
Purple band
Turquoise Bands
Turquoise Bands
Pink Bands
Pink Bands
Lavander Bands
Lavander Bands
Green Bands
Green Bands
Blue Bands
Blue Bands
White Bands
White Bands
Peach Bands
Peach Bands
Blue bands
Blue bands
Tan bands
Tan bands
Brown bands
Brown bands
Cranberry bands
Cranberry bands
Red bands
Red bands
Black bands
Black bands
Blue mixed
Blue mixed
bags from the new manta material
bags from the new manta material
white band strips
white band strips
turquise strip
turquise strip
white strip
white strip
Brown strips
Brown strips
Blue Strips
Blue Strips
Pink Strips
Pink Strips
light blue strip
light blue strip
black strip
black strip
black with embroidery
black with embroidery
brown with embroidery
brown with embroidery
white with embroidery
white with embroidery
antique strip
antique strip
new blue strip
new blue strip
new green strip
new green strip
new pink strip
new pink strip
antique strips
antique strips
antique red
antique red
antique blue
antique blue
antique pink
antique pink
antique purple
antique purple
me with Selmira
me with Selmira