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aliusvetus | all galleries >> Galleries >> anonymous_encounters > The Unbearable Lightness of Being
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The Unbearable Lightness of Being

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Francisco Figueras11-Dec-2009 06:34
veraferia26-Oct-2009 12:20
Fantastica composição e imagem! Obrigada pelo convite!É uma prazer visitar suas galerias!
Suas fotos são lindas!Voltarei mais vezes!
Dafna21-Sep-2009 11:59
"Every picture tells a story" I wonder what this one is! Very nice. V.
Larry Hill23-Jul-2008 18:33
Love the caption - matches the image perfectly
Guest 23-Dec-2007 06:01
the simple beauty of the quotidian
Bernd Koenemann18-Nov-2007 00:41
Kal Khogali17-Nov-2007 21:14
!!! Utterly brilliant. K
Guest 17-Nov-2007 21:13
Ha! Great composition and title.