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alexeig | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scandinavian autumn > Last yellows
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Last yellows

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Wenche Aune10-Nov-2010 22:58
This is beautiful! V
Marcia Colelli08-Nov-2010 02:59
Lovely capture of the autumn colors V
Roy Birger Nilsen07-Nov-2010 10:46
Today it looks like this here in Bergen too,snow on yellow leaves.I have to get out and photograph scenes like this,I love it!Very nice DOF.:-)
Aud Elise Sjøsæther07-Nov-2010 09:08
Very beautiful the contrasts in this picture! V
Guest 07-Nov-2010 08:09
superb, V
marie-jose wolff06-Nov-2010 23:30
fine and pretty composition! V
12306-Nov-2010 22:35
Nice. V