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AgnieszkaW | all galleries >> Macro 2008 >> Orange tints in nature >
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Agnieszka Wisniowska

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Guest 12-May-2008 06:27
simply awsome
Aud Elise Sjøsæther04-May-2008 15:20
Wonderful picture! Love the light and the colours! V
an N 01-May-2008 12:52
I like the feeling of this image. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography30-Apr-2008 20:13
Beautiful, Vote.
Silvia Roitman30-Apr-2008 09:59
excellent light! and composition!v
Sandi Whitteker30-Apr-2008 07:06
Fabulous backlighting edging these pretty leaves, and revealing Nature's abstract patterns.
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