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Let the Mongar Tsechu begin

Tsechu is a three-day festival of religious ceremonies and costumed dances. Held annually in each district or dzongkhag of Bhutan on the tenth day of a month of the lunar Tibetan calendar. Tsechu means "tenth day" and is used in much the same way as "festival" is used in English. Many of the dances performed at the tsechu are designed to teach lessons about how one's behavior on earth affects the afterlife, while others are believed to influence the actions of the spirits or to purify sacred ground.

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GeneWard14-Mar-2013 02:31
A very cool capture. V
Buba Jafarli13-Mar-2013 17:47
This series of Tsechu shots is awesome! V.
samikosemi22-Jan-2013 12:16
nice job
MarcViskens21-Jan-2013 20:05
very nice work André