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Shmuel Halevi's Recent Galleries

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05-Jul-2018 12:12
Extremadura - May 2015
:: Extremadura - May 2015 ::
20-Jun-2018 09:32
Bavarian Raphsody
:: Bavarian Raphsody ::
11-Apr-2018 18:14
Hula Swamp Reservation
:: Hula Swamp Reservation ::
17-Aug-2017 04:45
USA - Autumn Fascination
:: USA - Autumn Fascination ::
11-Jul-2017 06:03
Carpathian Bears (slash) Romania
:: Carpathian Bears (slash) Romania ::
24-Aug-2016 04:11
The Bee-Eaters Pond & Other Avians
:: The Bee-Eaters Pond & Other Avians ::
12-Mar-2016 17:25
27-Aug-2015 04:21
The Magical Ireland
:: The Magical Ireland ::
25-Aug-2015 04:22
Lesvos - Island of Many Birds
:: Lesvos - Island of Many Birds ::
28-Apr-2015 15:57
The People of East Turkey
:: The People of East Turkey ::
24-Apr-2015 03:54
Landscapes in Eastern Turkey
:: Landscapes in Eastern Turkey ::
09-Apr-2015 04:52
:: fauna ::