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March '06

On Sunday March 5th, 2006 Matt, Erin, Sam & Andy arrived in Kingston, Jamaica for a 10 day trip full of adventures, beaches, reggae, waterfalls, fruits, jerk chicken, natural vibes and so much more. The first week was spent in the northeastern state of Portland where we stayed at the very cool eco-resort Zion Country. Then we made our way to the southwest to stay at Ital Rest in Treasure Beach. Along the way we visited several cities, natural sites, historical sites and met a lot of really cool people. It was some real togetherness business, One Love for real!!!
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g3/42/421742/3/57281966.jpg Norman Manley Airport
Norman Manley Airport
Arrival in Kingston
Arrival in Kingston
Getting the Rental Car
Getting the Rental Car
...and we're off...
...and we're off...
Our first stop on the road
Our first stop on the road
g3/42/421742/3/57281606.jpg One Love snackshop
One Love snackshop
our first of many fruit stand stops
our first of many fruit stand stops
Under Di Rock
Under Di Rock
g3/42/421742/3/57281611.jpg Hector's River - Portland
Hector's River - Portland
g3/42/421742/3/57281613.jpg g3/42/421742/3/57281618.jpg Zion Country
Zion Country
Zion Country Bar
Zion Country Bar
Sunday afternoon football
Sunday afternoon football
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g3/42/421742/3/57281631.jpg g3/42/421742/3/57281632.jpg g3/42/421742/3/57281633.jpg Long Road Basic School
Long Road Basic School
View from Zion Country
View from Zion Country
View from Zion Country
View from Zion Country
g3/42/421742/3/57281637.jpg Getting Coconuts on our way to Reach Falls
Getting Coconuts on our way to Reach Falls
g3/42/421742/3/57281639.jpg Matt climbing trees
Matt climbing trees
g3/42/421742/3/57281641.jpg Cutting open Coconuts
Cutting open Coconuts
off to Reach Falls
off to Reach Falls
g3/42/421742/3/57281644.jpg An amazing tree
An amazing tree
Reach Falls
Reach Falls
Austin & Sam @ Reach Falls
Austin & Sam @ Reach Falls
can you see matt?
can you see matt?
g3/42/421742/3/57281649.jpg g3/42/421742/3/57281650.jpg
Reach Falls
Reach Falls
Austin - our Reach Falls guide
Austin - our Reach Falls guide
g3/42/421742/3/57281653.jpg Pool above Reach Falls
Pool above Reach Falls
g3/42/421742/3/57281657.jpg John Crow Mountains - near Reach Falls
John Crow Mountains - near Reach Falls
getting Star Apples
getting Star Apples
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