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Eastern Shorebirds & Waders

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Winter Plumaged Black-bellied Plover
Winter Plumaged Black-bellied Plover
Winter Plumaged Sanderling
Winter Plumaged Sanderling
Champion Shellers on a Championship Seashell Beach!
Champion Shellers on a Championship Seashell Beach!
Getting Air
Getting Air
Sanderlings in the Sunset
Sanderlings in the Sunset
I Am Black-crowned Night Heron
I Am Black-crowned Night Heron
Eyes Bigger than Stomach
Eyes Bigger than Stomach
Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Juvenal Plumaged Black-crowned Night Heron
Juvenal Plumaged Black-crowned Night Heron
My Life Yellow-crowned Night Heron
My Life Yellow-crowned Night Heron
American Bittern
American Bittern
Blending In
Blending In
Green Heron
Green Heron
Bein' Green
Bein' Green
Preening Greenie
Preening Greenie
Soaring Sandhill Crane
Soaring Sandhill Crane
NY State Record Breeding Cranes
NY State Record Breeding Cranes
Parent Sandhill Crane with Colt
Parent Sandhill Crane with Colt
 My Life Great White Heron
My Life Great White Heron
Portrait of a Great Blue Heron
Portrait of a Great Blue Heron
No! I Won't Turn Around!
No! I Won't Turn Around!
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day
Juvenal Plumaged Little Blue Heron
Juvenal Plumaged Little Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron
My Life Little Blue Heron
My Life Little Blue Heron
Not What I'd Hoped For
Not What I'd Hoped For
Wild White Ibis
Wild White Ibis
My Life Tricolor Heron
My Life Tricolor Heron
Tricolor Heron
Tricolor Heron
Life Limpkin Sighting
Life Limpkin Sighting
Limpkin Family Picnic
Limpkin Family Picnic
Feed Me!
Feed Me!
Spotlight in the Shadows
Spotlight in the Shadows
Florida Snow Bird
Florida Snow Bird
Portrait of a Snowy Egret
Portrait of a Snowy Egret
I Ha' Snow Egrets
I Ha' Snow Egrets
Great White Egret Portrait
Great White Egret Portrait
The Lookout
The Lookout
Storks A-Courting
Storks A-Courting
The Winner
The Winner
This is the Everglades
This is the Everglades