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Yvonne Merriam | all galleries >> Odonata Master Gallery >> Dragonflies ~ Anisoptera >> Skimmers ~ Libellulidae >> Pondhawks ~ Erythemis > Injured or Deformed?
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JUL 2009 © YMerriam

Injured or Deformed?

Three Rivers WMA, Lysander, NY

I found this Eastern Pondhawk female missing Segments 4-10 either to deformity occurring probably through emerging in bad weather or predation. The final remnants of her abdomen looked blackened and sealed with no apparent open wounds, though. I am leaning toward the former given our unusually cool, wet and windy summer in the northeast.

Sony DSLR-A300 ,Sigma APO 300mm Tele Macro f/4
Sigma APO EX DG 2x Teleconverter full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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