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11051912 | all galleries >> linked pictures and a few extras >> Sum in Shades, and the Fall of 11051912 >
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Hodero30-Mar-2011 13:17
Looking again at this one; of your best my friend!
Guest 21-Oct-2007 05:12
Very creative and funny.
Rene Hales10-Mar-2007 22:46
So clever and well done.--Rene
Dan Chusid10-Mar-2007 21:20
Getting ready for work in one of the three rings?
Guest 21-Dec-2006 01:25
Fantastically FUN! Read your comment on another gallery and just had to check out your pics.
Greg Harp27-Sep-2006 13:38
Marvelous! GMV
Guest 12-Sep-2006 22:11
I love this! Reminds me of a drawing a friend of mine did of himself....he went to Ringling and now teaches at a Uni up here. Did a beautiful sp drawing of himself with a clown nose. You would probably really like his stuff.
Hodero10-Sep-2006 10:49
Indeed,great creativity my friend !
Gary Winters24-Jul-2006 03:26
Incredible, creative, excellent!
Sean Blumenhein23-Jul-2006 21:34
A reflection of what is inside?